SM Gays

About Us:

SM Gays is a not-for-profit social and educational group for gay men interested in consensual, sexual sadomasochism. Meeting since July 1981, its aim is to encourage safe and lawful SM practices through sharing of information among people with similar interests. The group is unfunded and run by volunteers. Every month the group holds a Discovery Night in Central London where you can learn more about SM techniques and meet other people with similar interests. There is no membership requirement or dress code and the atmosphere is friendly and informal. At present these events attract around 50-75 gay men.

We have a presence on twitter/X (@SM_Gays).

Main activities

  • Events held on the third Thursday of every month in Central London.
  • Running practical demonstrations to introduce people to safe sane consensual SM.
  • We provide donations to gay charities.
  • Providing speakers and supporting SM-related events.

We cannot meet people outside the monthly meetings, nor do we offer a penpal or counselling service or enter into correspondence.

The SM Gays Committee

  • Master Tim (mastertim at recon)
  • Alex (MasterLoyal at Recon)
  • Dav (Bikeboy on Recon)
  • Marc (fistpup at recon)
  • Andrew (essexmasterchels)
Heavy Metal BondagePaddlingRope harnessMaster & slaves

SM Gays has always been anti-fascist and anti-racist.