Greetings dear friends! What a year it’s been? We certainly had no idea when we closed our doors in March that 10 months later we would still be waiting to reopen and welcome you all back. I am writing this on the day we should be holding our annual Christmas Party but sadly this year it’s not to be. Rest assured we will be back just as soon as we can and as soon as our friends at The Bunker Bar are allowed to reopen.
Next year SM Gays will be celebrating 40 years since the first brave men got together to form a support group for our community. We are committed to driving their intentions forward and we hope to arrange a suitable celebration as soon as it is safe to do so.
We are enormously gratified that just last weekend at the virtual meeting of CLAW in America, they announced their intention to induct SM Gays into the Leather Hall of Fame in 2021. This is a huge honour for us and we are truly grateful to our supporters at CLAW, at the LHOF and the Leather Archive. More on this coming soon.
We truly hope that you are all keeping safe and well in these crazy times. Christmas is difficult for many in the LGBTQ+ community especially if they are lonely and unable to meet up with friends or family. Remember that a phone-call, a card or just a text message could make the world of difference so reach out if you can.
Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas,
Best Wishes
From Master Tim and all the SMG team.